Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 16 ~ SUPERSTAR Saturday

I am so proud of me today. I had a really tired week for some reason where all I wanted to do was sleep and had to talk myself into workouts. I stayed with my bodyweight lifting program on wednesday, did my cardio and ab work on thursday, and yesterday was baaaad. I seriously screwed the pooch diet wise. That's what happens when DH brings giant cheesecakes and peanut butter cookies in the house. My willpower leaves the building! Eating and sleeping constantly isn't the best thing to do. But now, onto today. My fabulous DH let me sleep in as late as I needed to so I woke up feeling refreshed and raring to go instead of dragging butt like I have been. I got a good breakfast in, stretched some and went off to teh gym.

CD: 12 Weight: 133 ((stupid PB cookies!!)) Mood: SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!

I started off with my ab work so that I wouldn't be so tired by the end that I would skip it. This seems to work better for me so I'll stick with it. It's a really good warm up too.

Hands on Hamstrings: 2x15

Vacuums: 3x10s, 3x15s

Crunches: 2x15 ((squeezing at the top Ouch!))

V ups: 2x15

Cats and Dogs: 2x3x5s

Oblique crunches: 2x15

Then on to strength work. Enjoyed using weights, went for full body workout.

Bench Press: 1x10x40, 1x10x50, 2x8x50

Pull ups: 3x10 modified

Dips: 1x8, 3x6

Shoulder Press DB: 3x10x10

leaning side raise: 3x8x10

45degree front raise: 2x8x8

Rear Delt Fly: 2x8x8

Standing Ham Curls: 2x10x25

Cable SLDL: 1x10x30, 1x10x35

Single Leg Press: 1x12x80

Leg Press: 2x10x200

I was still feeling great so I moved on to Intervals on the treadmill. I did the advanced routine out of the Oxygen Abs special, walking and jogging in 1:2 minute intervals, minutes 25-30 were steady jog, and 30-35 was 30 seconds hard sprints, 30 seconds recovery, then a cooldown. So 40 minutes overall. I left the gym feeling like a superhero! I know that this is because I'm nearing my Ovulation and therefore my testosterone peak, so I knew I had to get in that hard charging kick but workout while I had the chance, next week will be kick but and then the week after, well that's going to be an exhausting take it asy week so I'm going to take advantage of my energy surge while I have it. :D Tomorrow is resting, and we'll see how I feel on Monday and what DH has planned for my birthday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 11- Merry Monday

It's a good monday. :) I used to get cases of the Mondays but not anymore. It's my day of peace after the hectic weekend where the whole family is home. And I'm always excited to get back to my workouts after my rest day.

CD: 7 Weight 133

Push ups: 3x10, full pushups no mods.

Pull ups: 3x10 First 3 are straight again. Concentrating on using form and not momentum.

dips with feet on SB: 3x8

Plank: 2x30s

Sumo Squats: 3x10 Again being very slow and deliberate wiht my movements.

Bench Hops: 3x10

Supermans on ball 2x10

I'm sharing my workout plan for the SSS contest with some moms from my Fort Polk Mommies group on cafemom and trying to spread the word on HT. Some of these women are soldiers and don't understand why they are struggling when they do PT every single day. But then they also don't understand how the body adapts and doing routine PT every single day won't do the trick because the body will adjust as lazy as it is.

I did get to the gym this weekend and got about a mile in doing 30 second all out sprints and 90 second recovery. After the mile point I wound up being sick so I called my hubby and he told me that while he wouldn't think badly of me if I came home, he knew that I could do it. So I got on the treadmill and walked at an incline for twenty minutes instead. I didn't want to give up but I wasn't about to push myself harder than I could go either.

And the home gym is really coming together! I got an autographed poster in the mail today from Jenny Lynn compliments of DH. Unfortunately he didn't realize that the name that showed up was his because he paid with his paypal account so it's made out to him, but it's the thought that counts and seeing her poster on the wall in my gym will really motivate me on slow days. I also got my buffmother tanktop in teh mail so after I shrink it down to size I'll take my before and after pics for the contest in it. :D

Friday, August 28, 2009

Fake it till you Make it Friday

Yay! Its finally friday, I'm free again...I love that song. :D

CD 4, weight 130 Mood: positive

I finally got some good sleep last night. I hate it when I don't sleep well. If I don't sleep well, then nothing goes right. But I went to bed at a decent time last night, slept deep and felt rested when I woke up and only slightly sluggish. It took some effort but I got in a workout today. It's Fake it till you Make it Friday. As in had no energy to start but pretended I did until I actually did feel energized. Sometimes that's all you need. Pretend you are raring to go and eventually, you will be!

Today was a strength day since I missed my last one. It's my second week of boosting, so definetly a medium intensity week. Started off with 10 minutes of pilates from the Pick your spot Pilates DVD. I've always loved that particular Got in a decent medium intensity core workout. I felt it but it didn't make me feel like hurling. That's next week!

Push ups: narrow pushups 3x10

Pull ups: 3x10 The first three were straight pull ups! No mods! When i started this last week I couldn't even do one straight pull up so I'm excited about that. Feeling it now though.

dips with feet on SB: 2x10

Plank: 2x30s (getting much stronger here)

Sumo Squats: 2x10 ((held on to PP bar helped balance alot))

Bench Hops: 2x10 able to jump higher than before!

Supermans on ball 2x10 Loving these.

tomorrow I'm hitting the gym for the treadmill. I wanted to run on the track or bleachers, but my gym boss died so I can't time the intervals. :(

I also looked up the dates for the shows I want to do this coming summer so I know when I need to get super serious. May 21 and June 26. So if you're gonna be in Louisiana then, let me know!!

On a positive note, I feel very loved right now. I checked my mail today and found a plaque from the Heidelberg PWOC ((protestant women of the chapel)), my bible study group from Germany. It reads

: We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the Gospel of God, ut our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. 1 Thessalonians 2:8" and they all signed the back. Just a positive thing tha tmade me feel very loved and appreciated today.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 5~ Terrific Tuesdays

CD 27: w: 130 Attitude: hanging in there.

Kind of tired today, but muscling through it. Almost got a good breakfast I ate my eggs and drank my tea, but had to answer the door when the movers came with my washer and dryer. Well in that time Benny jumped up and gobbled up all my blueberry oatmeal! I might have had a little more get up and go otherwise. But my get up and go got up and went. Right down little man's throat..haha. Today was an ab/cardio day. This time at home.

SB Knee ins: 3x8 ((I'm getting further and further on my toes in the starting position))

weighted SB crunches: 3x10x10

SB Oblique crunches 3x10 (squeeze at the top! make it worth it!)

And hanging knee raises. 3x8 (dh bought me the ab straps when he got my perfect pushup).

I had intended to do some steady state cardio on the elliptical today. But I seriously couldn't find anything to watch on my laptop to keep me interested. If I'm doing HIIT then it's no issue, I can just get on it! I'm only concerned with living through the next minute. But with SS I HAVE to have something to keep me busy while I'm doing it or I'll get really bored and want to give up. SOO, I had fun with netflix on my xbox 360 instead. If you have a 360, you can stream dvd's over netflix right onto your tv. So I checked out their selection of workout DVD's for instant download. It's the answer to DVD boredom! Why spend money on DVD's that you won't use for long because they bore you after a month or so or don't do anything because you've adapted? Stream them!

So yeah, I found a nice 40 minute cardio dance dvd and went to town. I'm pouring sweat so I know I got a good workout in, got my heart rate up, and was not bored. This won't replace my SS cardio permanently, but it is nice to switch things up now and then. Besides, it was time I learned to do a step ball change. :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 4 ~ MOTIVATED monday

CD #26 Weight: 131 Mood: Tired but accomplished

Mondays are generally manic, but I'm preferring to think of this one as a motivated monday. It's been a crazy weekend, the first weekend off school for this school year, DH came home from NY and the babies, well they're babies. So as you can imagine this morning was hard to wake up, and the house looked like a tornado had rolled through it! DH I had full on intended to get my WO in this am, but I woke up with the chills, feeling sluggish and tired and wanting desperately to hit the snooze button. I know enough by now to listen to my body when it's telling me it needs extra sleep. I spent the AM doing my flylady weekly home blessing and my morning routines and got the house in good order. Then when the babies were down for their naps I fit in my WO. Now the older kids are home and everything is done until dinner, so I still can relax and help them with their homework and spend some time with each of them. I don't know that I would have been as motivated to get everything done if I hadn't listened to my body and taken that extra bit of rest after the kids were on the bus and before the babies woke up. Moral of the story? Listen to your body!! It's the best guage there is.

Mondays WO: Bodyweight Strength Training

Pushups(m) 3x10 I'm focusing on bringing my hands in closer so that they're under my shoulders.

Pullups (m) 3x8

Dips with feet on SB 3x8

Planks 3x30s ((no mods this time! yay!))

Sumo Squats: 3x8 (I may start holding on to my PP for balance since I keep tipping over!)

Bench Hops 3x10 ((Singing I hate Plyo the whoooole time))

SB Supermans 3x8

Tomorrows plan: Abs and SS cardio on the elliptical for 40m. I did intervals yesterday and the next cardio day I'll do intervals again.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 3 - Super Sunday!

CD: 25 W: 131 Mood: Accomplished!

I know I said that I would take sundays off, but DH came in from NY yesterday ((he's been away at a school for two weeks)) so I took yesterday off instead to spend some quality time with him. I didn't sleep well last night ((no, not because of that! Shame on you hussys! That was earlier in teh day..haha)) so I didn't get started right away this am. I felt better this afternoon so I went to the gym to get some cardio in on the treadmill. I only have an elliptical at home so if I can use different equipmt.ent or run outdoors I will. I just have to save that for days DH is home, namely weekends. Treadmill

I did 30 minutes of intervals on the treadmill and some ab work, both came from the AB special from Oxygen. When I subscribed they were gonna send me the fat loss special but were out. Which is awesome since I already had that one and had been hunting for the abs one anyway. But back to the point. I read that sometimes when people put their ab workouts last, they tend to be so tired hat they don't put very good effort into it or quit easier, and this is me for sure. So I did my ab work first and had great results! I made it through the whole set and didn't give up! I did ball work only this time.

Knee ins - 3x10

SB Pikes - 3x8 ((big improvement on these!!))

SB Skiers - 3-8 ((also improved)) these are like knee ins only you bring your knees to your sides instead of the front.

Eccentric crunches- 3x10

jackknifes with SB - 2x5 These are killer for me. You pass the ball from your hands to your legs and back again.

I finished up with 30 minutes of intervals ranging from 3 mph to 7 mph, 1 minute sprints and 2 minute walks. I was so proud of myself because I had so much energy it was crazy! I'm boosting right now so I know that its only going to get better. I remind myself that the more I follow through, the easier it's going to get!

And as a surprise, I came home and found out that DH had put together my homegym for me! The elliptical and the bowflex are put back together, and we're discussing getting plate racks and DB racks for all of our other stuff. Now to decide where to hang our autographed poster from UFC 99 and my motivational pics. Have I mentioned what an amazing guy he is today? Because he really is. I'm so glad he's home!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 1 ~ Fabulous Friday

CD 23

W: 132

BF: 24.2

Ugh. Body fat is back up. But I'm not looking behind, only forward. This morning started out kind of rough. I could barely sleep last night. ((Vicious cycle. I was up all night on wed. night babysitting for a friend who had to go to the Eroom, so I slept in late yesterday. )) Gettin up was hard. Even harder was not going back to bed as soon as the older kids were off to school. But I wore my workout clothes to bed so I wouldn't have an excuse. Not to mention it's much better to show up at the bus stop in my workout clothes than in my jammies..haha. I had to push myself through my workout because I really wasn't feeling it today, but I said I was starting today, so I got started and put that Perfect Pullup through the paces. LOVE it btw. Pull ups are crazy hard for me and I'm not making any progress on the machines at the gym, but this one is really helping me build that muscle slowly. I can actually feel them.

modified push ups 3x8

Modified pull ups 2x6, 1x7 ((modified similar to smith machine pull ups))

tricep extensions 3x8 ((also on PP. Awesome machine for bodyweight exercises))

Plank 3x30 sec.

Sumo Squat 3x8

Bench hops 3x10

supermans 3x8

I'm still boosting so I opted to do this as straight sets rather than in a circuit fashion. And I'm reminding myself that my feeling icky is just my hormones. I'm not a lazy cow who ought to just give up, I feel like this before my cycle EVERY month! And in a few days, I'll feel amazing and ready to conquor the world again. And I can hold out for a few more days! I am STRONGER THAN MY CYCLE!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Come hell or high water

I'm tired of not working out. I don't care what excuses I come up with, what excuses my husband comes up with for why I can't, it's HAPPENING!!! I held on tight through a transatlantic move for cripes sake! There is NO reason I shouldn't have been able to hold on moving across town to my real house. I'm so mad at myself but I know that it isn't going to do any good whatsoever. So I'm letting it go.

In my flylady program I learned that it takes 27 days to make a habit. So that's what I'm doing. 27 days to get off my butt and do the right thing. I dont think it would be smart to jump headfirst into a heavy weight program again, and sadly I can't afford to train with Cathy Savage anymore so here's my new plan. When I moved in, I subscribed to my favorite fitness magazines. In it are a wealth of workout plans and diets, including the info that I learned over this last year.

I'm going to do the bodyweight workout listed in this months M&F hers three days a week. Three of my off days will include cardio and yoga, pilates or an abs day to strength flexiblity and core as well. Sundays are off entirely.

Diet wise I can do well during the day. The evening meal I can't afford to eat differently from the fam but smaller portions and switching out whole grains for simple carbs can do a lot of good. Switch water for diet sodas ((damn that cherry coke zero!! brought that soda addiction right back)) and get to bed at a normal time.

The kids are back in school and I have to be up really early for them so I might as well use that time to better myself and wake myself up better anyway. I need to unpack the office/gym and set up my equipment too so that's def. on the plan. Long story short, I'm not giving up on myself anymore. And if I have to spend all my computer time on the rally room, or on reminding myself why I am doing what I'm doing, then that's just fine with me!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Rest Day

I took a rest day today. I'm sore from yesterday and still easing back into it after my MRSA incidents. Eating has gone okay, water intake has sucked. SUCKED. That's always the hardest part for me but sooo important especially since we're here in the south now where it is CRAZY hot. So what I'm going to attempt to do is to put together my POA for this week.

Monday: Rest day, obviously.
Tuesday: AM Cardio, PM: Back
Wednesday: AM Cardio, PM Quads
Thursday: AM Cardio, PM Chest
Friday: rest
Saturday: Hamstrings/abs/cardio
Sunday: Arms/Shoulders/Cardio

Yes that's five days of cardio, but I am dieting down right now and I don't do heavy cardio every day. I don't even do the same cardio twice in one week. For instance, on saturday when I do hamstrings, I'm probably going to be taking it easy on the recumbant or walking hills on the treadmill. Other options for the week include interval running, stair climbers, ellipticals, and long walks. Mix it up so your body doesn't know what's going on. Also trying to plan out my meals for tomorrow since I'm going to be going going going like crazy.

Wish me luck and remember, if you have any questions, or just a comment, shoot it! I'll answer. :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 2

CD: 19 Weight: 136 BF: 24% 40 to fit day: 2

It's been a rough day. I just plain feel like doo. I honestly considered skipping my gym time today but I know that the hardest time is when you are getting back into the swing of things. So I reminded myself what Michelle's motivational message was today ("Just Do It") and told myse1
)lf the same thing I always do when I feel like this. If I still feel like crap after 10 minutes I'll go home. For the first time ever, I still felt horribly after ten minutes so I put in my leg workout and talked myself into 10 minutes on the recumbent bike before I was sure I was going to vomit everywhere and called it a day. The point to this is that you won't always feel like working out. But sometimes you just have to make yourself try it. Most of the time once you get into it you feel great and just keep going. And the days that you really do feel awful and still feel awful after ten minutes, well at least you tried and that's enough to hold the guilt at bay.

So today I did a light leg day, no need to explain the light obviously.

BB Squats: 12x45, 10x85, 8x85
BB Lunges: 10x30, 8x30, 6x30
BB Deadlifts: 8x50, 7x60, 6x60
Prone Hypers: 3x12x0

10 minutes recumbant bike, rpe 5

Hope ya'll feel better than I do.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cleared and ready to go!

So, here's an update. We arrived at Fort Polk and got stuffed into some seriously shoddy temporary lodging. After about a week, I developed an absess and my rump, not the best way to spend the 4th by the way. I had to have it surgically drained and the er doc thought it was a brown recluse bite so he didn't give me any antibiotics. After a few days, it just flat got worse. I was in a lot of pain despite the painkillers I was given, and it was itching and throbbing like crazy. So I went back in, got it checked again, and this time the doc decided to culture it instead of assume, and put my on some seriously strong antibiotics and referred me to the surgery clinic. After a week I got into the surgery clinic and started getting decent care. Yesterday I had my follow up appt where they let me know it wasn't a brown recluse, it was MRSA. It's just about compeltely healed now, nothing a bandaid won't fix and I was finally given the go ahead to go back to the gym.

During this time we also got a great house (( five bedrooms! woohoo!)), found the local GNC to replace our supplements that we couldn't bring with us from overseas, and yesterday we drove all the way down to New Orleans to get our van.

So what this all means is that I've been SUCKING. Finally I get to go to a real gym today. Yes you can make do with bands in a pinch, and machines are all fine and well, but nothing and I mean NOTHING beats the feel of some dumbbells in your hands. So here's my POA for today.

Upper Body
Lat Pull downs or pull ups ((depending on availability))
seated cable rows
Bench Press
DB Flyes
AIO Arms, DB

I'm going to go progressive with my weights today, try to gauge where I'm at. I'm also going to do cardio, maybe intervals on an elliptical.
For those of you who don't know what AIO arms are, let me share this with you.

ETA: Gym time went great. I lost strength in some areas, but not all. I also got in 20 minutes of HIIT running. 1 minute sprint, 2 minutes recovery. I'm on the first day of a mitotropin cycle and the first day of buffmothers "40 days to fit".

I weighed myself today and took my measurements and I am NOT happy.
137 lbs, 24% bodyfat. These last few weeks have really done a number on me, but they have also seriously motivated me to get my act together. I'm going to try to post here every day for 40 days to keep myself accountable. you keep me accountable too!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I hate housing, and back day

Really, the housing office at Fort Polk is getting on my last nerve. I submitted our housing application two months ago. We were told our wait would be 50 days. it has been 52 days, and we are still only number 28. This would not make me so mad if we were not number 27 earlier this morning. And this is not the first time this has happened. Every time we take one step forward, we take two steps back. And in the meantime we are stuck in the middle of nowhere, in crappy temp housing with four children sharing two beds in a single room, with giant cockroaches roaming and ants going insane. Call the front desk to complain and they send someone out with a can of raid. That's it. I'm going to SCREAM!! I want my freaking house and I want it NOW. We can't even go off base because there is nothing to accomadate our family for less than 600 OVER our housing allowance. it's insanity. And we've just finished our ten days that the army will cover so from here on out every day we're stuck in this nightmare of a hotel, is coming out of pocket. I'm going to cry. Seriously.

Another reason I'm frustrated is because there is no neighborhood center where they've stuffed us. No gym, no nothing. So I'm still stuck using my bands to get by and I can only fit cardio in on the days my hubby is home and even then it's limited to running or walking. Yes, I know that there are videos and such i can do, but we're upstairs and the people downstairs complain when our kids walk across the room let alone when I'm bouncing along trying to keep my heart rate up.
I will admit that I'm PMS'ing today and that's got a lot to do with my foul mood. But hey, only 3 more days and I can get back to buffing!

My other rant for the day, asking my help to set up a program. I don't mind setting up programs for people. I love to use my knowledge to help others. But don't ask me to set you up a detailed program if you aren't going to follow it. If you've already asked me if it's safe to go to the gym twice a day for an hour each time in hopes of losing a few extra pounds before your event, and I've already explained that I've got you on a low cal diet, and that if you push harder than I've laid out for you, you will ruin your efforts, don't turn around and start asking other people. It's obvious you just want someone to tell you its okay regardless of what you've been told. I helped a woman on a forum I frequent with a plan for a ball she has to attend. I detailed supplementation, diet, weight programs and even cardio. What to do on what day, for how long based on where she is in her cycle. Now when she's soliciting advice on said forum, she's not mentioning her low calorie diet, or the amount of cardio she's doing, or anything other than she wants to lose a few pounds before an event. And of course guess who she'll blame when she runs herself into the ground. Don't ask me to set you up a program, for free no less, if you aren't going to follow it.

Okay, I think I got all my ranting out for the day. SO, here are my stats.

Cycle Day 1
BF% 21.1

Back Day

Pull ups. I don't have a bar to do it here so I pulled the hotel desk out, layed underneath it, grasped the edges and used that. It's just as effective and good in a pinch.

Lat pull downs: This is why I say you can do anything with bands. I attach the soft ankle straps to it and run a broom stick through it. I also do this with anything asking for a barbell

Seated cable rows: again with bands. I get mine from

one arm bent over rows
rear fly.

Post WO nutrition is so important so I had a banana creme muscle milk protein shake with some yummy caramel corn rice cakes for my fast burning carbs. So fantastic!!

((in case you were wondering, my tat is flipped because I had to take the second pic in a

Sunday, June 14, 2009

UFC 99 in Cologne

It was AMAZING! I'm so glad that the hubbs and I went. The kids were all dispersed amongst our friends and it was our first vacation without the kids. Like, ever. We stayed at the Radisson in Cologne, and it was a fantastic and beautiful hotel. Okay, so it took twenty minutes to figure out how to turn on the lights because apparently you have to put your room key in a slot on the wall to operate the lights. And the elevator. And really, everything else. I'm just grateful you didn't need the room key to flush the toilet.

We went to an amazing italian restaurant up the road from the Laxness Arena called Diana's. Head west from the arena and on the left hand side of the street, about three blocks down you'll see the sign for the restaurant. If it's sunny, sit outside in the garden. Their tortellini is absolutely amazing, and my husband was a big fan of their pizzas. It was a great way to pass the time waiting for the fight to start. After that we went back to teh arena and got our merchandise, including my hubby's autographed poster and our hats and tshirts. There was still an hour left so we waited it out in the bar across from the arena entrance. Kind of pricey, and if you get the Konig Pilsener, it actually comes in a wine glass and is kind of warm. So unless you want to look weird drinking beer in a wine glass, go for the heffeweisen.

The arena itself was fabulous! BSN had a booth there with supplement giveaways and girls in skimpy booty shorts to take pictures with. Although admittedly they had nothing more than big boobs. Pancake butts should not wear booty shorts. Just saying. They had vendors wanderingw ith kegs strapped to their backs dispensing small beers that were awesome. But they were small. Or you could wait int he line and get a big beer from a shop. The big beers tasted a lot like someone soaked bacon in it, but after your second or third, you no longer tasted it anyway!

Here's a shot of my husband and his friends with the giant beer.

Now, our seats were great! We were on the floor and able to see the fighters as they came in. The first few fights were really good. There was a tall fighter who I honestly thought wasn't going to make it through the third round, he was so bloodied up by the end of the second. But he showed a lot of heart! he came from behind and pulled it off. I missed a few fights waiting in line to refill the beers for everyone. Another benefit of those pitcher like glasses, you don't miss any of the fight while drinking because you can see through it.

We did have the good fortune to meet a really fantastic british couple who were staying in our friends hostel. ((The albert Gasthouse. It's amazing, like a little apartment for only 80 euro which is so much cheaper than what we paid for our fancy hotel)). It addded alot of fun for us to meet them and we exchanged information so that we could meet up again. This would be my big shout out to the british forces who are just as amazing and fantastic as our own american troops. So to Nick and Kerry, we'll have to meet up if you ever come to the states!

All in all, it was an amazing trip. I can't wait to do UFC 103 in Dallas in september. Hopefully it'll be easier to stick to my diet, but if they have wandering beer vendors, I'm not making any promises.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


It's gonna get hot by the fourth ladies and gentleman. And you have Michelle Berger, aka The Buffmother to thank for it. I've been a member of her Rally Room off and on for a few years now, and let me tell you, you'll never find anyone nicer, kinder, more determined, or motivated than she is. And she motivates others too which is one of the reasons I love her so much. If you've caught the SlimChick Solution infomercials, then you know who I'm talking about and all about the GENIUS that is Hormonal Timing ((more on that later)). So from the 4th of June until the 4th of July, we are in the middle of the Fire CRACKIN' Hot for the 4th contest. I'm loving this. I'm good with mini challenges. I kicked my butt doing the Count down to Memorial Day challenge. I dropped a few percent body fat as a matter of fact. I'll have to post the before and after pics on that one.

So here's the POA for today. ((poa is plan of action. I'm going to have to do a whole post on acronyms and such..haha)). I woke up this morning and did a Metabolic Circuit. Which kicked my booty and got me revved up and ready to go! I did a lower body circuit this afternoon with my resistance bands since everything else has been packed up by the movers, and let me tell you ladies, you can do a lot with bands. Don't have money for a gym, don't have a lot of room for equipment? no problem! Get yourself some bodylastics and you can really kick your butt with them. Even my husband gets a good workout with them.

So here's my circuit:
Squats 3x12

Calf Raises 3x10

Stationary Lunges 3x12

Deadlifts 3x15

adductors: 3x10

abductors: 3x10

kickbacks: 3x15

ham curls: 3x10

leg extensions: 3x10

bridges: 3x10

I did my abs on monday so I didn't do any of those today. I'm going bowling tonight too. What's really awesome is that all the work that I've done over the past few months, I've had to bump up from an 8lb ball to a 9lb ball! The 8 lb is just too light now! Talk about unexpected side affects!

The plan of action tomorrow is some cardio in the am, either some tae bo, some sprints or some kempo. Not sure yet because it depends on what mood I'm in and whether or not the hubbs can keep an eye on the kids while I run. The afternoon will involve an upperbody circuit targeting my arms, chest and back. And lots of anticipation because on saturday we leave for cologne and UFC 99!

And here's a fun question for you, those of you who have been to a UFC fight before, what's standard dress code?? I hate looking out of place...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hey! Hi! How are you Doing???

Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm Kayti, The Fit Mom. I call myself that because that's what I am. I consider myself a fit mom, I'm very focused on my health and my goals (more about that later), and I consider myself a Diva Mom too! For one, I have six children. Yes, I said SIX. Three boys and three girls, and you're damn right there's at least 1 diva in the bunch. I've also got a bit of a Diva vibe going on the mom front because I manage my six kids, my home, my volunteer work, with a single minded determination and the most common phrase I hear is "I don't know where you find the time! I could never do that!". I'm not trying to sound as though I'm bragging, because I'm not. What you see isn't always the way things are, and to get a full understanding, you need a real behind the scenes look. Which is where this blog comes in. I'm going to let you in on my life, which is crazy when things are normal, but at this time, things are most defininetly NOT normal! So here's a run down of what's going on in my world.

* Prepping for my first Figure Competition
For those of you who have never heard of figure competitions, you are not alone. It's like bodybuilding, but much softer. At least in my opinion. It's a sport that celebrates the beauty of a female form. not because she's got big boobs, or because she's a freaking stick, but because she's healthy and fit, determined and confident. I was competing in September, but due to item number two on this list, I'm not sure when this is going to be.

* Moving from GERMANY to LOUISIANA
That's right, I'm in europe right now! My husband is in the military (yet another bit of craziness in my life), and was recently deployed. For reasons I won't disclose here ((none of them are bad! Just complicated and technical)) he came home six months early and next thing you know we're PCS'ing (Permanent Change of Station, i.e. moving for all you civvies out there) to Louisiana in two months. Speaking of which, I'll continue this later, the moving company just pulled up!!

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