Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cleared and ready to go!

So, here's an update. We arrived at Fort Polk and got stuffed into some seriously shoddy temporary lodging. After about a week, I developed an absess and my rump, not the best way to spend the 4th by the way. I had to have it surgically drained and the er doc thought it was a brown recluse bite so he didn't give me any antibiotics. After a few days, it just flat got worse. I was in a lot of pain despite the painkillers I was given, and it was itching and throbbing like crazy. So I went back in, got it checked again, and this time the doc decided to culture it instead of assume, and put my on some seriously strong antibiotics and referred me to the surgery clinic. After a week I got into the surgery clinic and started getting decent care. Yesterday I had my follow up appt where they let me know it wasn't a brown recluse, it was MRSA. It's just about compeltely healed now, nothing a bandaid won't fix and I was finally given the go ahead to go back to the gym.

During this time we also got a great house (( five bedrooms! woohoo!)), found the local GNC to replace our supplements that we couldn't bring with us from overseas, and yesterday we drove all the way down to New Orleans to get our van.

So what this all means is that I've been SUCKING. Finally I get to go to a real gym today. Yes you can make do with bands in a pinch, and machines are all fine and well, but nothing and I mean NOTHING beats the feel of some dumbbells in your hands. So here's my POA for today.

Upper Body
Lat Pull downs or pull ups ((depending on availability))
seated cable rows
Bench Press
DB Flyes
AIO Arms, DB

I'm going to go progressive with my weights today, try to gauge where I'm at. I'm also going to do cardio, maybe intervals on an elliptical.
For those of you who don't know what AIO arms are, let me share this with you.

ETA: Gym time went great. I lost strength in some areas, but not all. I also got in 20 minutes of HIIT running. 1 minute sprint, 2 minutes recovery. I'm on the first day of a mitotropin cycle and the first day of buffmothers "40 days to fit".

I weighed myself today and took my measurements and I am NOT happy.
137 lbs, 24% bodyfat. These last few weeks have really done a number on me, but they have also seriously motivated me to get my act together. I'm going to try to post here every day for 40 days to keep myself accountable. you keep me accountable too!


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