Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 4 ~ MOTIVATED monday

CD #26 Weight: 131 Mood: Tired but accomplished

Mondays are generally manic, but I'm preferring to think of this one as a motivated monday. It's been a crazy weekend, the first weekend off school for this school year, DH came home from NY and the babies, well they're babies. So as you can imagine this morning was hard to wake up, and the house looked like a tornado had rolled through it! DH I had full on intended to get my WO in this am, but I woke up with the chills, feeling sluggish and tired and wanting desperately to hit the snooze button. I know enough by now to listen to my body when it's telling me it needs extra sleep. I spent the AM doing my flylady weekly home blessing and my morning routines and got the house in good order. Then when the babies were down for their naps I fit in my WO. Now the older kids are home and everything is done until dinner, so I still can relax and help them with their homework and spend some time with each of them. I don't know that I would have been as motivated to get everything done if I hadn't listened to my body and taken that extra bit of rest after the kids were on the bus and before the babies woke up. Moral of the story? Listen to your body!! It's the best guage there is.

Mondays WO: Bodyweight Strength Training

Pushups(m) 3x10 I'm focusing on bringing my hands in closer so that they're under my shoulders.

Pullups (m) 3x8

Dips with feet on SB 3x8

Planks 3x30s ((no mods this time! yay!))

Sumo Squats: 3x8 (I may start holding on to my PP for balance since I keep tipping over!)

Bench Hops 3x10 ((Singing I hate Plyo the whoooole time))

SB Supermans 3x8

Tomorrows plan: Abs and SS cardio on the elliptical for 40m. I did intervals yesterday and the next cardio day I'll do intervals again.


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