Rest Day
I took a rest day today. I'm sore from yesterday and still easing back into it after my MRSA incidents. Eating has gone okay, water intake has sucked. SUCKED. That's always the hardest part for me but sooo important especially since we're here in the south now where it is CRAZY hot. So what I'm going to attempt to do is to put together my POA for this week.
Monday: Rest day, obviously.
Tuesday: AM Cardio, PM: Back
Wednesday: AM Cardio, PM Quads
Thursday: AM Cardio, PM Chest
Friday: rest
Saturday: Hamstrings/abs/cardio
Sunday: Arms/Shoulders/Cardio
Yes that's five days of cardio, but I am dieting down right now and I don't do heavy cardio every day. I don't even do the same cardio twice in one week. For instance, on saturday when I do hamstrings, I'm probably going to be taking it easy on the recumbant or walking hills on the treadmill. Other options for the week include interval running, stair climbers, ellipticals, and long walks. Mix it up so your body doesn't know what's going on. Also trying to plan out my meals for tomorrow since I'm going to be going going going like crazy.
Wish me luck and remember, if you have any questions, or just a comment, shoot it! I'll answer. :)