Monday, July 20, 2009

Rest Day

I took a rest day today. I'm sore from yesterday and still easing back into it after my MRSA incidents. Eating has gone okay, water intake has sucked. SUCKED. That's always the hardest part for me but sooo important especially since we're here in the south now where it is CRAZY hot. So what I'm going to attempt to do is to put together my POA for this week.

Monday: Rest day, obviously.
Tuesday: AM Cardio, PM: Back
Wednesday: AM Cardio, PM Quads
Thursday: AM Cardio, PM Chest
Friday: rest
Saturday: Hamstrings/abs/cardio
Sunday: Arms/Shoulders/Cardio

Yes that's five days of cardio, but I am dieting down right now and I don't do heavy cardio every day. I don't even do the same cardio twice in one week. For instance, on saturday when I do hamstrings, I'm probably going to be taking it easy on the recumbant or walking hills on the treadmill. Other options for the week include interval running, stair climbers, ellipticals, and long walks. Mix it up so your body doesn't know what's going on. Also trying to plan out my meals for tomorrow since I'm going to be going going going like crazy.

Wish me luck and remember, if you have any questions, or just a comment, shoot it! I'll answer. :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 2

CD: 19 Weight: 136 BF: 24% 40 to fit day: 2

It's been a rough day. I just plain feel like doo. I honestly considered skipping my gym time today but I know that the hardest time is when you are getting back into the swing of things. So I reminded myself what Michelle's motivational message was today ("Just Do It") and told myse1
)lf the same thing I always do when I feel like this. If I still feel like crap after 10 minutes I'll go home. For the first time ever, I still felt horribly after ten minutes so I put in my leg workout and talked myself into 10 minutes on the recumbent bike before I was sure I was going to vomit everywhere and called it a day. The point to this is that you won't always feel like working out. But sometimes you just have to make yourself try it. Most of the time once you get into it you feel great and just keep going. And the days that you really do feel awful and still feel awful after ten minutes, well at least you tried and that's enough to hold the guilt at bay.

So today I did a light leg day, no need to explain the light obviously.

BB Squats: 12x45, 10x85, 8x85
BB Lunges: 10x30, 8x30, 6x30
BB Deadlifts: 8x50, 7x60, 6x60
Prone Hypers: 3x12x0

10 minutes recumbant bike, rpe 5

Hope ya'll feel better than I do.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cleared and ready to go!

So, here's an update. We arrived at Fort Polk and got stuffed into some seriously shoddy temporary lodging. After about a week, I developed an absess and my rump, not the best way to spend the 4th by the way. I had to have it surgically drained and the er doc thought it was a brown recluse bite so he didn't give me any antibiotics. After a few days, it just flat got worse. I was in a lot of pain despite the painkillers I was given, and it was itching and throbbing like crazy. So I went back in, got it checked again, and this time the doc decided to culture it instead of assume, and put my on some seriously strong antibiotics and referred me to the surgery clinic. After a week I got into the surgery clinic and started getting decent care. Yesterday I had my follow up appt where they let me know it wasn't a brown recluse, it was MRSA. It's just about compeltely healed now, nothing a bandaid won't fix and I was finally given the go ahead to go back to the gym.

During this time we also got a great house (( five bedrooms! woohoo!)), found the local GNC to replace our supplements that we couldn't bring with us from overseas, and yesterday we drove all the way down to New Orleans to get our van.

So what this all means is that I've been SUCKING. Finally I get to go to a real gym today. Yes you can make do with bands in a pinch, and machines are all fine and well, but nothing and I mean NOTHING beats the feel of some dumbbells in your hands. So here's my POA for today.

Upper Body
Lat Pull downs or pull ups ((depending on availability))
seated cable rows
Bench Press
DB Flyes
AIO Arms, DB

I'm going to go progressive with my weights today, try to gauge where I'm at. I'm also going to do cardio, maybe intervals on an elliptical.
For those of you who don't know what AIO arms are, let me share this with you.

ETA: Gym time went great. I lost strength in some areas, but not all. I also got in 20 minutes of HIIT running. 1 minute sprint, 2 minutes recovery. I'm on the first day of a mitotropin cycle and the first day of buffmothers "40 days to fit".

I weighed myself today and took my measurements and I am NOT happy.
137 lbs, 24% bodyfat. These last few weeks have really done a number on me, but they have also seriously motivated me to get my act together. I'm going to try to post here every day for 40 days to keep myself accountable. you keep me accountable too!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I hate housing, and back day

Really, the housing office at Fort Polk is getting on my last nerve. I submitted our housing application two months ago. We were told our wait would be 50 days. it has been 52 days, and we are still only number 28. This would not make me so mad if we were not number 27 earlier this morning. And this is not the first time this has happened. Every time we take one step forward, we take two steps back. And in the meantime we are stuck in the middle of nowhere, in crappy temp housing with four children sharing two beds in a single room, with giant cockroaches roaming and ants going insane. Call the front desk to complain and they send someone out with a can of raid. That's it. I'm going to SCREAM!! I want my freaking house and I want it NOW. We can't even go off base because there is nothing to accomadate our family for less than 600 OVER our housing allowance. it's insanity. And we've just finished our ten days that the army will cover so from here on out every day we're stuck in this nightmare of a hotel, is coming out of pocket. I'm going to cry. Seriously.

Another reason I'm frustrated is because there is no neighborhood center where they've stuffed us. No gym, no nothing. So I'm still stuck using my bands to get by and I can only fit cardio in on the days my hubby is home and even then it's limited to running or walking. Yes, I know that there are videos and such i can do, but we're upstairs and the people downstairs complain when our kids walk across the room let alone when I'm bouncing along trying to keep my heart rate up.
I will admit that I'm PMS'ing today and that's got a lot to do with my foul mood. But hey, only 3 more days and I can get back to buffing!

My other rant for the day, asking my help to set up a program. I don't mind setting up programs for people. I love to use my knowledge to help others. But don't ask me to set you up a detailed program if you aren't going to follow it. If you've already asked me if it's safe to go to the gym twice a day for an hour each time in hopes of losing a few extra pounds before your event, and I've already explained that I've got you on a low cal diet, and that if you push harder than I've laid out for you, you will ruin your efforts, don't turn around and start asking other people. It's obvious you just want someone to tell you its okay regardless of what you've been told. I helped a woman on a forum I frequent with a plan for a ball she has to attend. I detailed supplementation, diet, weight programs and even cardio. What to do on what day, for how long based on where she is in her cycle. Now when she's soliciting advice on said forum, she's not mentioning her low calorie diet, or the amount of cardio she's doing, or anything other than she wants to lose a few pounds before an event. And of course guess who she'll blame when she runs herself into the ground. Don't ask me to set you up a program, for free no less, if you aren't going to follow it.

Okay, I think I got all my ranting out for the day. SO, here are my stats.

Cycle Day 1
BF% 21.1

Back Day

Pull ups. I don't have a bar to do it here so I pulled the hotel desk out, layed underneath it, grasped the edges and used that. It's just as effective and good in a pinch.

Lat pull downs: This is why I say you can do anything with bands. I attach the soft ankle straps to it and run a broom stick through it. I also do this with anything asking for a barbell

Seated cable rows: again with bands. I get mine from

one arm bent over rows
rear fly.

Post WO nutrition is so important so I had a banana creme muscle milk protein shake with some yummy caramel corn rice cakes for my fast burning carbs. So fantastic!!

((in case you were wondering, my tat is flipped because I had to take the second pic in a

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