Sunday, June 14, 2009

UFC 99 in Cologne

It was AMAZING! I'm so glad that the hubbs and I went. The kids were all dispersed amongst our friends and it was our first vacation without the kids. Like, ever. We stayed at the Radisson in Cologne, and it was a fantastic and beautiful hotel. Okay, so it took twenty minutes to figure out how to turn on the lights because apparently you have to put your room key in a slot on the wall to operate the lights. And the elevator. And really, everything else. I'm just grateful you didn't need the room key to flush the toilet.

We went to an amazing italian restaurant up the road from the Laxness Arena called Diana's. Head west from the arena and on the left hand side of the street, about three blocks down you'll see the sign for the restaurant. If it's sunny, sit outside in the garden. Their tortellini is absolutely amazing, and my husband was a big fan of their pizzas. It was a great way to pass the time waiting for the fight to start. After that we went back to teh arena and got our merchandise, including my hubby's autographed poster and our hats and tshirts. There was still an hour left so we waited it out in the bar across from the arena entrance. Kind of pricey, and if you get the Konig Pilsener, it actually comes in a wine glass and is kind of warm. So unless you want to look weird drinking beer in a wine glass, go for the heffeweisen.

The arena itself was fabulous! BSN had a booth there with supplement giveaways and girls in skimpy booty shorts to take pictures with. Although admittedly they had nothing more than big boobs. Pancake butts should not wear booty shorts. Just saying. They had vendors wanderingw ith kegs strapped to their backs dispensing small beers that were awesome. But they were small. Or you could wait int he line and get a big beer from a shop. The big beers tasted a lot like someone soaked bacon in it, but after your second or third, you no longer tasted it anyway!

Here's a shot of my husband and his friends with the giant beer.

Now, our seats were great! We were on the floor and able to see the fighters as they came in. The first few fights were really good. There was a tall fighter who I honestly thought wasn't going to make it through the third round, he was so bloodied up by the end of the second. But he showed a lot of heart! he came from behind and pulled it off. I missed a few fights waiting in line to refill the beers for everyone. Another benefit of those pitcher like glasses, you don't miss any of the fight while drinking because you can see through it.

We did have the good fortune to meet a really fantastic british couple who were staying in our friends hostel. ((The albert Gasthouse. It's amazing, like a little apartment for only 80 euro which is so much cheaper than what we paid for our fancy hotel)). It addded alot of fun for us to meet them and we exchanged information so that we could meet up again. This would be my big shout out to the british forces who are just as amazing and fantastic as our own american troops. So to Nick and Kerry, we'll have to meet up if you ever come to the states!

All in all, it was an amazing trip. I can't wait to do UFC 103 in Dallas in september. Hopefully it'll be easier to stick to my diet, but if they have wandering beer vendors, I'm not making any promises.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


It's gonna get hot by the fourth ladies and gentleman. And you have Michelle Berger, aka The Buffmother to thank for it. I've been a member of her Rally Room off and on for a few years now, and let me tell you, you'll never find anyone nicer, kinder, more determined, or motivated than she is. And she motivates others too which is one of the reasons I love her so much. If you've caught the SlimChick Solution infomercials, then you know who I'm talking about and all about the GENIUS that is Hormonal Timing ((more on that later)). So from the 4th of June until the 4th of July, we are in the middle of the Fire CRACKIN' Hot for the 4th contest. I'm loving this. I'm good with mini challenges. I kicked my butt doing the Count down to Memorial Day challenge. I dropped a few percent body fat as a matter of fact. I'll have to post the before and after pics on that one.

So here's the POA for today. ((poa is plan of action. I'm going to have to do a whole post on acronyms and such..haha)). I woke up this morning and did a Metabolic Circuit. Which kicked my booty and got me revved up and ready to go! I did a lower body circuit this afternoon with my resistance bands since everything else has been packed up by the movers, and let me tell you ladies, you can do a lot with bands. Don't have money for a gym, don't have a lot of room for equipment? no problem! Get yourself some bodylastics and you can really kick your butt with them. Even my husband gets a good workout with them.

So here's my circuit:
Squats 3x12

Calf Raises 3x10

Stationary Lunges 3x12

Deadlifts 3x15

adductors: 3x10

abductors: 3x10

kickbacks: 3x15

ham curls: 3x10

leg extensions: 3x10

bridges: 3x10

I did my abs on monday so I didn't do any of those today. I'm going bowling tonight too. What's really awesome is that all the work that I've done over the past few months, I've had to bump up from an 8lb ball to a 9lb ball! The 8 lb is just too light now! Talk about unexpected side affects!

The plan of action tomorrow is some cardio in the am, either some tae bo, some sprints or some kempo. Not sure yet because it depends on what mood I'm in and whether or not the hubbs can keep an eye on the kids while I run. The afternoon will involve an upperbody circuit targeting my arms, chest and back. And lots of anticipation because on saturday we leave for cologne and UFC 99!

And here's a fun question for you, those of you who have been to a UFC fight before, what's standard dress code?? I hate looking out of place...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hey! Hi! How are you Doing???

Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm Kayti, The Fit Mom. I call myself that because that's what I am. I consider myself a fit mom, I'm very focused on my health and my goals (more about that later), and I consider myself a Diva Mom too! For one, I have six children. Yes, I said SIX. Three boys and three girls, and you're damn right there's at least 1 diva in the bunch. I've also got a bit of a Diva vibe going on the mom front because I manage my six kids, my home, my volunteer work, with a single minded determination and the most common phrase I hear is "I don't know where you find the time! I could never do that!". I'm not trying to sound as though I'm bragging, because I'm not. What you see isn't always the way things are, and to get a full understanding, you need a real behind the scenes look. Which is where this blog comes in. I'm going to let you in on my life, which is crazy when things are normal, but at this time, things are most defininetly NOT normal! So here's a run down of what's going on in my world.

* Prepping for my first Figure Competition
For those of you who have never heard of figure competitions, you are not alone. It's like bodybuilding, but much softer. At least in my opinion. It's a sport that celebrates the beauty of a female form. not because she's got big boobs, or because she's a freaking stick, but because she's healthy and fit, determined and confident. I was competing in September, but due to item number two on this list, I'm not sure when this is going to be.

* Moving from GERMANY to LOUISIANA
That's right, I'm in europe right now! My husband is in the military (yet another bit of craziness in my life), and was recently deployed. For reasons I won't disclose here ((none of them are bad! Just complicated and technical)) he came home six months early and next thing you know we're PCS'ing (Permanent Change of Station, i.e. moving for all you civvies out there) to Louisiana in two months. Speaking of which, I'll continue this later, the moving company just pulled up!!

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